Banville Clan Info
Just a gathering place for stuff on the Banville clan,
of the Ottawa-Gatineau River area in Canada.
If you recognize the people at right, then you're probably
in the right place.
If you have anything you'd like posted here, please contact me...
email me at sir (at)
I'll assume any general family-type stuff you send me is OK
to post here, unless you tell me otherwise.
- Tip: If you have a photo album on Facebook, it's helpful if
you send me the public link.
Family gathering, Cantley QC, July 25 weekend, 2009
Sherry Reardon's album on
Facebook (should be visible to anyone)
- I have some pictures Kathy sent
- Belinda Warren also has a Facebook album for the event
(you might need to be on Facebook to see it)
(photo at top of this page ganked from there)
- Karen Bisson also has an album for the event on Facebook
(you might need to be on Facebook to see it)
Other stuff